fundamentals of
✓ Cutting-edge Curriculum
✓ Kick-ass Community
✓ Most Tues 7pm Central on Zoom
✓ Live Q & A with Thomas
✓ Hot Seat DEMOS
✓ Partner Practice Rooms
Master the Mind-Body-Breath Connection
& Make Calm, Focused, Present and Alert
Your New Default Mode

Neutralize anxiety, self-blame, beat-up and waves of crippling self-doubt and elevate confidence, self-belief, and absolute certainty.
Interrupt an unwelcome state like anger agitation, irritability, resentment and replace it with empathy, compassion and understanding
Trade the Mondays, the blues and the blahs with…ambition, determination, and perseverance to achieve your goals.
Learn the ancient secret to preparing for dinner with your mother-in-law, a performance review with your boss, or difficult convo with your EX.

Profound Presence
Rise above the incessant stream of past regrets and future concerns….and achieve a state of calm, present-moment alertness on demand.
Take a lightsaber to destructive overthinking and learn the secret to under-thinking. (think the Nebraska highway vs Manhattan rush hour.)
Put a sock in the mouth of the inner critic, and experience overwhelming inner peace, quiet and inner stability.
Exchange scattered, distracted, restlessness with profound mental clarity, stillness, and sustained focus.

Fundamental Wellbeing
Encourage the use of your diaphragm, low-belly and nose in order to habituate calm, relaxing states throughout the day.
Influence the rate, location, and volume of air you’re taking in to assimilate more oxygen into your tissues, vital organs, and brain.
Elevate the natural vascular-dilating, anti inflammatory and natural sedative effects of nitric oxide.
Condition your nervous system to respond to stress by going into rest and digest instead of fight or flight

profound PReSeNCe
It is what Lucid Breathing delivers, every single time
Habituate resource states like optimism, patience and persistence to achieve your goals.
Access alpha states to get unstuck -- and make wise, sound, decisions.
Elevate empathy, understanding, and self-awareness for silky smooth interactions at home.
Be cool as a cucumber for important meetings and presentations.
Communicate powerfully, intentionally, from the heart, when it matters most.
Get more done, be more productive, do your very best work.
Up-level bold communication, leadership and assertiveness on the job.
Sustain focus and marshal free attention in order to complete vital projects (you may have been putting off, cough cough)
Learn to love more because there will be more of you available to give love.
Captivate an audience and own any room you walk into because Presence is magnetic.
Elevate authentic confidence and self-esteem from the inside out until it stabilizes at the core.
How Would You Like to Feel Instead?
Influence Your Mental and Emotional State at Will

The foundation of state management

Achieve absolute certainty and inner stability

Heart Coherence
An instant injection of gratitude and deep connection

Expanded Awareness
Rise up, shift out, enjoy a broader perspective

Experience waves of contentment and inner peace

Perfect Day
Manifest ideal outcomes and achieve goals

Wise Advocate
Receive guidance, encouragement and support

Functional Breathing
Maintain optimum oxygen levels
Just Say No…
to Death by Power-Point
Listening to the star of the show yap-yap-yap has a shelf life of about ten minutes.
Then the natives get restless. It can be difficult to retain abstract information.
The fact is, we learn best by doing, and by having a personal and direct experience with the material. In this way – the Processes are the star of our show, not the Presenter.
Knowledge in itself is not power, you have to be able to apply it to your life. So everything we teach is filtered contextually through the lens of your career, relationship and upgrading the operating system of your default mindset.
Engaging experiential curriculum that delivers results
you can feel instantly and every time.
Presented through the lens of practical application, related to directly to your life, Relationship and Your Career.
getting started is easy peasy
Pay the fiddler: $27
($99 if you didn’t buy the book)
Show up for the Zoom Events & Fasten your Seat Belt
Access the recording & browse our library of saved events.
✓ 10-min dynamic weekly kick-off lecture
✓ 20 minute group breathing session
✓ Sharing and Q and A with Thomas Bell
✓ Hot Seat Demo
✓ Homework to Apply into your World
✓ Partner break-out rooms

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